This page serves as a bibiography of Decoding work. Below Decoding work is categorized by author, discipline, publication year as well as other categories. Articles are also listed in alphabetical order further down the page.
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "PublishedWork"
The following 150 pages are in this category, out of 150 total.
- A case for visual models to communicate implicit genre expectations within policy writing instruction
- A Case Study on Experiential Learning in a First-Year General Education Course
- A framework for working with university teachers to create and embed ‘Integrated Threshold Concept Knowledge’ (ITCK) in their practice
- A novel approach for practitioners in training: A blended-learning seminar combining experts, students and practitioners
- A Tale of Two Thresholds
- A Teaching Experiment Shows Students How to Grasp Big Concepts
- Acquiring search expertise: Learning experiences and threshold concepts
- An Exercise to Assess Student Understanding of Bottleneck Concepts in Research Methods
- An Innovative Approach to Helping Students Overcome Bottlenecks in Social Work Education Using Self-Study
- Analog tools in digital history classrooms: An activity-theory case study of learning opportunities in digital humanities
- Applying Decoding the Disciplines in a Construction Engineering Mechanics Course: A description of the Decoding Interview
- Applying the Decoding the Disciplines process to teaching structural mechanics: An autoethnographic case study
- Assessing While Learning: Teacher Candidates in the History Classroom
- Challenges of the large survey subject: teaching and learning how to read history
- Communities of decoding: Using the Decoding the Disciplines paradigm to create faculty learning communities on three continents
- Conducting Decoding Interviews with the Structural Model TEACH
- Conscious Connections: Phenomenology and Decoding the Disciplines
- Creating Cultures of Collaborative and Innovative Scholarship: The Case of Decoding the Disciplines
- Critical Inquiry and the First Year: Reconceptualizing the Aims of Transitions Pedagogies
- Das Decoding-Interview – ein exemplarischer Einblick
- Decoding and Disclosure in Students-as-Partners Research: A Case Study of the Political Science Literature Review
- Decoding Applied Data in Professional Schools
- Decoding area studies and interdisciplinary majors: building a framework for entry-level students
- Decoding Astronomical Concepts
- Decoding Discipline Theory and Its Application in Instructional Design
- Decoding Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Decoding group activities in interactive teaching (paper)
- Decoding information literacy ways of thinking in student learning
- Decoding of the Disciplines in Human Ecology Lectures
- Decoding Ourselves
- Decoding Source Code Comprehension: Bottlenecks Experienced by Senior Computer Science Students
- Decoding Students Mistakes: A Pathway to Greater Learning
- Decoding sustainability in the healthcare system. Teaching students how to problematize complex concepts
- Decoding the Assessment of Student Learning
- Decoding the Discipline of Music History for Our Students
- Decoding the Disciplines - Ein Ansatz für forschendes Lernen und Lehren
- Decoding the Disciplines and Threshold Concepts in a Blended Learning EBM Project for Preclerkship Students
- Decoding the Disciplines As a Pedagogy of Teacher Education
- Decoding the Disciplines as Hermeneutic Practice
- Decoding the Disciplines in European Institutions of Higher Education: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning
- Decoding the Disciplines – der Prozess aus hochschuldidaktischer Perspektive
- Decoding the Disciplines – Mehrere Expert*innen widmen sich einem gemeinsamen Bottleneck
- Decoding the Disciplines. Also for children?
- Decoding the Disciplines: A Model for Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking
- Decoding the Disciplines: An Approach to Scientific Thinking
- Decoding the Disciplines: supporting the university study experience through a game-based model
- Decoding the underlying cognitive processes and related support strategies utilised by expert instructors during source code comprehension
- Decoding-Interviews führen mit dem Strukturmodell TEACH
- Design and evaluation of a test for assessing cs-first-year students’ cognitive competences
- Design patterns for faculty development
- Designing first-year sociology curricula and practice
- Developing a Test for Assessing Incoming Students’ Cognitive Competences
- Developing numeracy and problem-solving skills by overcoming learning bottlenecks
- Didaktiknachrichten 07-2020
- Didaktiknachrichten 11-2019
- Die Black Box der Verbindung zwischen Lehre und (Fach-) Wissenschaft in der Digitalität.
- Disciplinary Specificity in Engineering Communication: Rhetorical Instruction in an Undergraduate Engineering Research Class
- Easing Entry into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Through Focused Assessments: The “Decoding the Disciplines” Approach
- Einflüsse von Decoding the Disciplines auf die Gestaltung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen
- Engaging Faculty for Student Success: The First Year Learning Initiative
- Engaging first year lecturers with threshold learning outcomes and concepts in their disciplines
- Engaging the disengaged: Exploring the use of course- specific learning analytics and nudging to enhance online student engagement
- Equity-minded faculty development: An intersectional identity-conscious community of practice model for faculty learning
- Evaluating the Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm that is used for developing disciplinary habits of mind: a systematic literature review
- Evaluating the Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm That Is Used for Developing Disciplinary Habits of Mind: A Systematic Literature Review
- Eye Movements in Programming Education: Analyzing the expert’s gaze
- Facilitating a Faculty Learning Community Using the Decoding the Disciplines Model
- Faculty Development Through Student Learning Initiatives: Lessons Learned
- Finding Key Faculty to Influence Change
- From Knowing the Canon to Developing Skills Engaging with the Decoding the Disciplines Approach
- From reading to thinking: Student lines of thought in a seminar on Christianity and colonialism
- Hartnäckige Lernhürden decodieren und Verständnis-Brücken für Studierende bauen
- How did I get here? Reflections on learning from multidisciplinary communities of practice
- How does a Historian Read a Scholarly Text and How Do Students Learn to Do the Same
- How Many Sources Do I Need?
- How to decode student bottlenecks to learning in computer science
- How to Solve it? (report)
- Impact of Decoding Work within a Professional Program
- Incorporating Decoding the Disciplines into History Teacher Education
- Integrated development of technical and base competencies: Fostering reflection skills in software engineers to be
- Intervention Planning for Children who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Exploring the Expert-Novice Gap in Speech-Language Pathologists’ Clinical Reasoning
- Intuitions and Instincts: Considerations for Decoding Disciplinary Identities
- Is it possible to identify student bottlenecks using quality management tools?
- Learning about Learning-Together
- Learning from Decoding across Disciplines and within Communities of Practice
- Lehrendenlerngemeinschaften als Ort und Gegenstand von SoTL
- Librarians in the Lead: A Case for Interdisciplinary Faculty Collaboration on Assignment Design
- Looking back to move ahead: How students learn deep geological time by predicting future environmental impacts
- Lost in Language Comprehension: Decoding putatively extra-disciplinary expertise
- Mapping the Problem-Solving Strategies of Novice Programmers to Polya’s Framework: SWOT Analysis as a Bottleneck Identification Tool
- Mental Processes Utilized by Faculty and Students During Graphical Interpretation
- Metacognition and Disciplinary Thinking
- More than limited learning: The case for focusing on the disciplines
- Moving beyond the threshold: A TLRI final report 2014–16
- On the Integration of Agile Practices into Teaching: an approach to overcoming teaching and learning challenges of programming
- Overcoming cultural obstacles to new ways of teaching: The Lilly Freshman Learning Project at Indiana University
- Overcoming obstacles that stop student learning: The bottleneck model of structural reform
- Overcoming Student Learning Bottlenecks
- Overcoming Student Resistance to Learning Research Methods: An Approach Based on Decoding Disciplinary Thinking
- Overcoming the Bottlenecks in Teaching Psychological Statistics
- Overview of Decoding the Disciplines
- Sampling distributions as a threshold concept in learning classical statistical inference: an evaluative case study report
- Similarities and differences in eye movements between professors and students during graph reading
- Studentische Schwierigkeiten mit dem Grenzwertbegriff und mögliche Implikationen für die Lehre
- Subjective Observation in Music Therapy: A Study of Student Practicum Logs
- Teaching the history threshold learning outcomes to first-year students
- The Decoding Clock Reading Activity
- The Decoding Interview - An Exemplary Insight
- The Decoding Interview, Live and Unplugged
- The Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm: Seven Steps to Increased Student Learning
- The Educational Development Interview: a guided conversation supporting professional learning about teaching practice in higher education
- The History Learning Project ʺDecodesʺ a Discipline: The Union of Teaching and Epistemology
- The History Learning Project: A Department “Decodes” Its Students
- The Impact of Scaffolding on the Historical Thinking Skills of Middle School Students
- The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Theories
- Threshold concepts and core competences in the library and information science (LIS) domain: Methodologies for discovery
- Threshold Concepts and Decoding the Humanities: A Case Study of a Threshold Concept
- Threshold Concepts in Literary Studies
- Threshold Concepts: Informing the Curriculum
- Towards Writing Enriched Curricula at Bielefeld University, Germany: An Educational Design Research Study
- Triggering engagement in SoTL through threshold concepts
- Uncovering and Teaching the Process of Analysis to Undergraduate Music Theory Students
- Uncovering tacit knowledge of writing a thesis statement
- Uncovering Ways of Thinking, Practicing and Being through Key Themes in Decoding across Disciplines
- Uncovering Ways of Thinking, Practicing, and Being through Decoding across Disciplines
- Undergraduate Students and Decoding the Disciplines: The Role of Student-Researchers and Student-Participants in Decoding the Disciplines Research
- Using Blended Learning to Develop Students' Skills and Motivation
- Using Methods from Cognitive Psychology to Elucidate Mental Processes
- Using Scaffolding and Deliberate Practice to Improve Abstract Writing in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course
- Using US Tuning to effect: The American historical association’s Tuning project and the first year research paper
- Utilizing the scholarship of teaching and learning to design an Anatomy Pedagogy Course
- What Is Essential in Teaching Theatre History? A Revised Theatre Studies Curriculum
- What use is SoTL?: Using the scholarship of teaching and learning to develop a curriculum for first year university history classes
- What ‘Decoding the Disciplines’ has to offer ‘Threshold Concepts
- What’s feeling got to do with it? Decoding emotional bottlenecks in the history classroom
- Wissenschaftsdidaktik und ihre Verwandten im internationalen Diskurs zur Hochschulbildung
- Writing about music in large music appreciation classrooms using active learning, discipline-specific skills, and peer review