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Show new changes starting from 08:54, 22 December 2024
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17 December 2024

     17:08  Reading Selectively in History‎‎ (4 changes | history) . . (+632). . [Dpace‎ (4×)]
      17:08 (cur | prev) . . (+2). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (Tag: Visual edit)
      17:05 (cur | prev) . . (-878). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (Tag: Visual edit)
      17:01 (cur | prev) . . (+1,486). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (Tag: Visual edit)
      16:39 (cur | prev) . . (+22). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (Changed categories.)

23 November 2024

     00:19  Reading Selectively in History‎‎ (2 changes | history) . . (0). . [Riegler‎; Dpace‎]
 m    00:19 (cur | prev) . . (-21). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (syntax) (Tag: 2017 source edit)
      00:06 (cur | prev) . . (+21). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (When presented with long sections of reading in history courses, students often assume that they are supposed to memorize all the details. They have difficulty distinguishing between essential elements that they should to remember and details t) (Tag: Visual edit)

22 November 2024

     23:56  Template:Bottleneck‎‎ (2 changes | history) . . (-7). . [Riegler‎ (2×)]
 m    23:56 (cur | prev) . . (0). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (typo) (Tag: 2017 source edit)
      17:48 (cur | prev) . . (-7). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (added headlines) (Tag: 2017 source edit)
N    23:56  Difference between sample and population‎‎ (3 changes | history) . . (+310). . [Riegler‎ (3×)]
      23:56 (cur | prev) . . (0). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (typo) (Tag: Visual edit)
      23:55 (cur | prev) . . (+24). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (Changed categories.)
N     23:55 (cur | prev) . . (+286). . Riegler (talk | contribs) (init) (Tag: Visual edit)
N    23:55  Reading Selectively in History‎ (diff | hist) . . (+1,382). . Dpace (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===How to use this Template=== #Start by describing the bottleneck in the Section '''Description of Bottleneck'''. If you like you can orient yourself on the bottleneck descr...") (Tag: Visual edit)
N    13:58  Heat, temperature and internal energy‎‎ (3 changes | history) . . (+339). . [Tblotevogel‎ (3×)]
      13:58 (cur | prev) . . (+76). . Tblotevogel (talk | contribs) (Changed categories.)
      13:57 (cur | prev) . . (-4). . Tblotevogel (talk | contribs) (Tag: Visual edit)
N     13:55 (cur | prev) . . (+267). . Tblotevogel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Description of Bottleneck=== Students do not distinguish correctly between the terms internal energy, heat and temperature. ===Related scholarly work on this bottleneck==...") (Tag: Visual edit)