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Revision as of 08:48, 8 September 2022 by hw>Mlink-rodrigue
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This template creates an intro banner on a page. The banner should contain an image (optional), a title and 2-3 lines of text. <templatedata> { "params": { "boxbgcolor": { "label": { "en": "Background color (optional)", "de": "Hintergrundfarbe der Box (optional)" }, "description": { "en": "Default is grey (#f1f3f9). Replace with any hex value, (e.g. #ffffe6)", "de": "Standard ist grau (#f1f3f9). Kann mit beliebigem Hex-Wert ersetzt werden (z.B. #ffffe6)" }, "type": "string", "suggested": true, "default": { "en": "#efefef", "de": "#efefef" } }, "boxpadding": { "label": { "en": "Padding of the container box (optional)", "de": "Abstand des Inhalts zur Box" }, "description": { "en": "Sets the padding for the box. Default is 0.", "de": "Setzt den Abstand in Pixeln, Standard ist 0" }, "example": { "en": "10px (default is 0)", "de": "10px (Standard ist 0)" }, "suggested": true, "autovalue": "" }, "contentpadding": { "label": { "en": "Content padding (optional)", "de": "Textabstand" }, "description": { "en": "Padding around text. Default is 10px.", "de": "Abstand um den Text. Standard ist 10px." }, "type": "number", "example": { "en": "20px", "de": "20px" }, "suggested": true }, "banner-image": { "description": { "en": "Image name, without the File: prefix, but with namespace prefix (if it exists)", "de": "Bildname, ohne das Datei-Präfix, aber mit Namensraum-Präfix (falls es existiert)" }, "label": { "en": "Banner image (optional)", "de": "Bannergrafik (optional)" }, "example": { "en": "myimage.png", "de": "meinbild.png" }, "suggested": true }, "image-width": { "label": { "en": "Image width", "de": "Bildbreite" }, "description": { "en": "Width in pixels. Default setting is 200", "de": "Breite in Pixel. Standard ist 200" }, "suggested": true, "default": { "de-formal": "200" }, "example": { "de": "z.B. 300 (Standard ist 200)", "en": "e.g., 300 (default is 200)" } }, "imagealign": { "label": { "en": "Image alignment", "de": "Bildposition" }, "example": { "en": "left, right", "de": "left, right" }, "default": { "en": "left", "de": "left" }, "suggested": true, "description": "Links oder rechts in der Box" }, "banner-title": { "type": "string", "suggested": true, "label": { "en": "Heading", "de": "Überschrift" }, "description": "Box heading" }, "titlesize": { "label": { "en": "Heading size", "de": "Größe der Überschrift" }, "example": { "en": "2em, 15px", "de": "2em, 15px" }, "default": { "en": "1.6em", "de": "1.6em" }, "suggested": true }, "titlecolor": { "label": { "en": "Heading color", "de": "Farbe der Überschrift" }, "description": "Color of the heading. ", "example": { "en": "#ffffff", "de": "#ffffff" }, "suggested": true }, "banner-text": { "label": { "en": "Text", "de": "Text" }, "description": { "en": "1-3 lines of text", "de": "1-3 Zeilen Text" }, "type": "content", "suggested": true }, "textcolor": { "label": { "en": "Text color", "de": "Textfarbe" }, "example": { "en": "#000000", "de": "#000000" }, "suggested": true }, "textsize": { "label": { "en": "Text size", "de": "Textgröße" }, "example": { "en": "12px, 1em", "de": "12px, 1em" }, "default": { "en": "1.3em", "de": "1.3em" }, "suggested": true } }, "paramOrder": [ "banner-image", "image-width", "imagealign", "banner-title", "titlesize", "titlecolor", "banner-text", "textsize", "textcolor", "contentpadding", "boxpadding", "boxbgcolor" ] } </templatedata>