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Submission to hochschullehre

Revision as of 16:55, 5 January 2024 by Riegler (talk | contribs) (first complete version on English interface)

Participants of the 2023 Aachen Conference on Decoding are invited to submit their contributions to die hochschullehre and Didaktiknachrichten. All submissions will be done via the submission interface of die hochschullehre. This page guides you through the submission interface.


  1. Go to
  2. Press the Earth-icon in the upper right corner and select your preferred language. This will assumed to be English in the sequel.
    Screenshot 2024-01-05 152433.png
    Press the button "Start Submission" .
  3. If you already have an account, proceed with "Log in to submit your paper" below. If not, create an account by registering. To do so press “Register."
    Screenshot 2024-01-05 153758.png
  4. Fill in your personal details as needed. You will be notified that an email for verifying your account has been send to you. Finalize registration by pressing the link in that email. You will be transferred to the login page.

Log in to submit your paper

  1. Log in, using your credentials:
Screenshot 2024-01-05 153758.png

You will immediately be shown the submission mask. Proceed by providing the information as requested.

If, at any time, you happen to get the German user interface, press on the avatar icon in the upper right corner to change your language setting to English.

Screenshot 2024-01-05 153242.png