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Step 2 - Decoding Interview

Revision as of 12:23, 1 October 2020 by Peter Lohse (talk | contribs)

The Decoding Interview is the second step within the seven steps of Decoding the Disciplines. The purpose of this step is to uncover the mental operations students must master to get past the Bottleneck. By interviewing the lecturer as an expert in the field (s)he teaches those mental operations of the expert are revealed.


  1. The second step in the Decoding process is to make explicit the mental operations that students must master in order to overcome specific bottlenecks in a course.  Since many of these are so automatic to instructors that they have become invisible, a systematic process of deconstructing disciplinary practice is necessary.   The most powerful method for becoming clear about the steps that students must master to overcome specific bottlenecks is an interview process in which two interviewers work with  instructors to explore how they themselves accomplish the task that many students have trouble with. Detailed descriptions of the process may be found in David Pace, The Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm (pp.39-47, 123-125), Joan Middendorf and Leah Shopkow, Overcoming Student Learning Bottlenecks (pp.48-59), and Peter Riegler, “The Decoding interview – an exemplary insight” in “DiNa 07/2020 Decoding the Disciplines”[1]